Archive for March, 2013


Lou Ferrigno

Lou Ferrigno

Scan0010Boyfriend and I with Jason David Frank, aka Tommy the Green/White Power Ranger.


Boyfriend and I with the sweetest man EVER, Henry Winkler – aka Fonzie from Happy Days!

My loves! James Marsters and Juliet Landau! Aka Spike and Drusilla from Buffy! Soooo awesome in person!

My loves! James Marsters and Juliet Landau! Aka Spike and Drusilla from Buffy! Soooo awesome in person!



Excuse the derp face. Tom Felton – aka Draco Malfoy – does that to a gal! TOTAL SWEETHEART!




Me and the legend himself - Stan Lee. My hero. :)

Me and the legend himself – Stan Lee. My hero. 🙂


So, that basically sums most of it up. Plus A LOT of artwork and Harley Quinn stuff, haha.

But for now, on to other things. Big appointment tomorrow!


Since I somehow forgot about my Little Things post last week (I get my days messed up a lot anymore), I’m gonna go for 10 items, rather than 5.

Five to make up for last week:

  • Making art to forget all the bad things.
  • Dogs
  • Simple date nights – like dinner and a movie, whether it’s going out or staying in.
  • Going to the Fox Theater in St Louis to see amazing Broadway shows.
  • Songs that make everything in the world feel alright again.

And, five for this weeks post:

  • Experiences – going places, seeing things, meeting people. Not wasting life, basically.
  • Traveling. My heart craves adventure it seems.
  • Couch naps.
  • Listening to good music while cooking.
  • My best friend, soul sister, parabatai, and all around sexy beast- Brittaney.

Now, that last one was pretty important, especially for this week. But, I can’t reveal much as to why yet. 😉

Also, some of you may know I went to a con this weekend and met some awesome people. I’ll post pics and whatnot on a night I’m less exhausted. Plus my follow-up on the Mysterious Sickness of Doom is Tuesday, soooo. yeah. Busy week ahead.



Posted: March 12, 2013 by Thought Catalog in Uncategorized



This post was inspired by two incredible women – Michelle Zink and “Momma” Maria. 🙂 Thanks to both of you wonderful ladies for giving me the motivation to stay focused on the positive.

Now, I’d like to do this as a collective series of posts – do some now, some in another blog, etc. Just keep going. But for today, I’ll only post a few.

My “other momma”, Maria, told me the other day that I needed to make a list of at least 5 things I was grateful for. Something to remind me that I have plenty to be happy about, even when I feel like there really isn’t anything worth smiling about.

Then I think it was the next day, the beautiful and talented Michelle Zink (she’s an absolute doll and an incredible writer and you need to read her books RIGHT NOW) posted a very inspiring blog about the little things in life. You can check out said post by clicking here.

To sum it up easily – an idea formed in my head to combine these two ideas. And here you have it, my Little Things post, about the little things in life that make everything so much better.

Five Little Things:

  • Long drives with my friends, the radio up and lots of (usually terrible) singing.
  • Chinese food.
  • The smell of the ink in a fresh tattoo.
  • My nieces, that could practically be my own daughters.
  • Batman.

So there you have it. 5 Little Things that I love. Little things that make everything a little better. Some of them are a little silly to some people, but to me they bring a smile to my face. Hopefully you guys enjoy this idea for a post. I’m planning to do one each week, mostly as a reminder for myself of the things that make everything better in life.

Stay tuned for more posts with some exciting news this week 😀



I have to thank my friend Kyle for showing me this. With all the stress from the Mysterious Sickness of Doom, this is exactly what I needed. Not only is this an amazing project, but it’s definitely inspirational to my own struggles right now.

Friday was a horrible scary unpleasant day. If you want to get technical, the last two weeks have been a living hell. Between losing Whitney, realizing some pretty bad things about the Mysterious Sickness of Doom, and random other pretty poorly timed news and stress. So, I really needed a night with two of my very best friends: Brittaney and Skylar. I’d be absolutely lost without these two girls.

“And if you’re scared of the future tonight,
we’ll just take it each hour, one at a time.
It’s a pretty good night for a drive,
so dry up those eyes, dry up those eyes.”

And really, I think all three of us needed last night. Skylar is leaving for the military in 106 days (she’s keeping track haha), and Brittaney has just had a lot of stress in general on her. Plus I have to be the party pooper and throw it out there that Hey, something is possibly very wrong with me guys. But we didn’t let that get to us: chinese food, a mini road trip to St Louis for some quick shopping and then a movie, and loads of drive-time fun. Simple, but a beautiful night. It’s the little things in life really that make the best moments.

So thanks, ladies, for the thereapy, shenanigans, and dance parties in my car. For a while, we kept the horrible thoughts out of my head.


So, some of you may already be aware of the fact I had my very first rheumatology appointment on Tuesday. I’ve been so worn out, Ipromise haven’t had the chance to update you. To sum it up fairly simply:

Lots and lots of tests. Twenty tubes of blood drawn. Trying to rule out lots of things: fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, Lupus, horrible “c” word which shall not be named, etc. So far, from the lab work I’ve seen and my regular doctor looked at, I’m coming up positive for some sort of connective tissue disease. But what I’m going to end up with as a diagnoses is really up in the air still. I have a follow-up the 26th to go over my labs and see what the next steps will be, or if she has any answers for me.

And while I’m scared to death it’s going to be something life-altering, no cure, or fatal – I am very relieved about something: I’m not crazy. Well, not about this (ha.)

I have PROOF of something being wrong with these test results. There is something here that shows I’m not lying, and it isn’t all in my head. The Mysterious Sickness of Doom may have a NAME. You have no idea the relief that brings me.

Only now I have to keep from worrying myself to death that it’s something that’ll take me out sooner rather than later.

In other news, I’m slowly but surely getting through the revisions on my WIP. My Beta reader is keeping me motivated by taking on a chapter at a time, and I have to keep up by getting these chapters ready. So far, so good. And really, I’ve been needing this outlet to make me relax with the large amount of stress hitting me in the face. Keep Calm and Write Something. It’s that simple.

Anyway, I’m off. Much to do.
