Archive for September, 2015

“Working hard is important, but there’s something that matters even more. Believing in yourself. Think of it this way: Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than we are now. Students. If they can do it, why not us?” – Harry Potter (Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)


My body doesn’t care about what I want to do, or what I need to do. My body is an angry, vengeful creature staging a violent rebellion against me for everything I do. But I continue regardless, because things must be done, whether my body wants them done.
It makes writing difficult. It makes waking up earlier difficult. It makes focusing on projects and having the energy to complete anything difficult. It makes work difficult. It makes everything difficult. But I cope. I deal. I do my best.

I’ve spent so much time lately beating myself up for the days I can’t do the extra stuff. The days I can’t get out of bed. The days I give more to my day job than I get paid for. But being upset with myself makes matters worse. I need to be my own motivator, and instead I’m dragging myself down.

So, I will write. I will draw. I will post about Batman stuff and nerdy adventures.

Despite being horribly sick all week, I’m continuing on with work and trying desperately to find time to write. I hammered out a quick short story to get myself back into gear. It was sloppy and weird, and hummed with the influence of reintroducing horror back into my life as a regular staple.

But now, I need to get to work on more serious projects. I need to accomplish more.

I can do this. I can push though. I can be everything I want and more.

I just have to believe in myself. Why not me?


I’ve decided to do an initial post of my Batman Collection haul idea, starting with the things I received for my birthday and what I picked up at con. If you like this post, let me know! I plan to follow up with a collection haul post for the month of September as well. Here we go!


My VIP badge for Wizard World Chicago. Ben McKenzie, who plays Detective James Gordon in the Fox TV show “Gotham”


Autograph from Ben McKenzie. I also have a photo of myself with him, as well as a dual photo of myself with him and Sean Pertwee, but I don’t have a good picture of that picture, so I’ll save it for my Wandering NerdGirl blog haha.

Speaking of Sean Pertwee..


Seriously one of the coolest actors I’ve met. I love him in so much more, but obviously I needed a photo of him as Alfred – or “00-Alfred”, as he signed it.


Picked up the DC Collectibles replica Detective badge of James Gordon from Gotham. I wanted it anyway, seemed fitting to get it on the trip.


Another Batman related actor I had the pleasure of meeting was Adrienne Barbeau. Again, someone I loved for so much more, but HAD TO get her autograph on something Catwoman, since she voiced her in the Animated Series.


I picked up this gorgeous Poison Ivy print from artist Greg Horn at con. Absolutely loved it and his art in general.


I bought this Batman cover replica print and had Neal Adams sign it for me – something I’ve wanted to do for so long!


I first heard about Travis Langley in the documentary “Legends of the Knight”, and I’ve wanted his book, “Batman and Psychology: A Dark and Stormy Knight”, for a while. I love Batman, I love Psychology, and I love this book so far!


Batman Returns Catwoman Kenner figure I’ve wanted for some time.


Final con related pick up – this Bleacher Creature Harley Quinn plush I’ve been wanting for a while.

Alright, now that we have that hurdle out of the way, let’s show a few of my beloved birthday gifts!


These were from my mom, and I technically had them for a little while before my birthday, but still. Batman, Robin, and Batgirl from the 60’s Batman television show.


Assorted goodies from my best friend.


Badass Harley Quinn and Batman umbrella from my brother.


Harley Quinn goodies from my lovely Skylar, all the way in Washington right now


Finally, my beloved Harley Quinn Mopeez plush, a gift from my office manager. I ADORE HER SO MUCH. LOOK AT THAT CUTE LITTLE FACE! Ugh. Adorable.

Well, there you have it! What did you think? Any details you’d like added? Want to see more posts like this? Let me know in the comments!



Sometimes, when I’m working on a single project, I can focus solely on that one project and block out every other idea bouncing about in my head. Lately, however, I’ve been lacking the focus to get everything done I need to with one project from start to finish, because I get distracted by new ideas, and then my brain cannot focus on the project at hand.

That’s where I’m at right now. I need to focus on revision edits and things, buuuuuuut this idea keeps popping into my head. So, I decided to give in and let it have some of my attention, hoping that if I could appease it by writing down my ideas, it would settle down. Nope. Ideas abundant.

But, hey – who am I to complain? Writing is writing. At this point, any writing I can get done is good. Even if it isn’t a priority project.

I’m slowly but surely making myself a main focus, as selfish as that sounds. I spend so much time devoted to work or family or friends, that I don’t save time for Angel. Not that work/friends/family shouldn’t be counted as important. But a girl has to have her time to herself, you know? My projects, my relaxing time, my time to do whatever I need or want. Sometimes I just want to watch a movie by myself while I clean my room. Most of the time I’m around other people. I’m an introvert – I need recharge time, away from people.

Not just that, though – I need to give my health priority over everything else. I need a healthier lifestyle, but the more stressed I get, the more I crave comfort foods and soda. That’s not what my body needs, and I need to focus on that more.

Something big, though it sounds odd to say, that I’ve been reintegrating back into my regular life is horror. I used to watch horror movies all the time. I read horror. I was obsessed with it. I originally really got into writing through my love of horror – that’s what my first real stories were. I started thinking about it and realized that maybe part of my slump, as strange as it sounds, could have something to do with that.

It seems to be helping thus far. I feel better and more like myself. It’s such a simple and weird solution, to just watch some horror movies and read some creepy books. But whatever it takes to make me feel better, you know?

Speaking of – my Batman collection has been getting a lot of nurturing lately, and it’s growing into something I’m really proud of and want to showcase. I’d like to do more pictures and updates on it, maybe a monthly haul post? I’m not sure yet. If you’re interested, definitely let me know!

Anyway, here I go, doing my thing: writing and watching scary movies and working and hoarding Batman stuff.
