Posts Tagged ‘breaking bad’

In one sentence is the spark of a story. Ignite.

 My apologies for not posting quite as much, but it can be blamed on something very, very good: I have been a writing fiend. Despite work. Despite sickness and brain fog and appointments. Despite everything.

I am writing. A lot.

What was a goal of managing one chapter or one short story to Brittaney every Thursday, has now grown into being three or four chapters, on top of a short story. Or, like I currently am at:  seven chapters. SEVEN CHAPTERS IN LESS THAN A WEEK! That’s with work, sickness, nieces, appointments… And Kingdom Hearts and Doctor Who. All those distractions, and yet here I go, writing writing writing.

I give a lot of that credit to Brittaney for motivating me.





Have I ever mentioned how much I adore Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul? Because I do.

Annnnnway. Consider the inspirational spark ignited. I am getting through this revision like I should be, and don’t plan on stopping there. I hope to not only participate in NaNoWriMo again this year, but actually WIN and get that 50,000 words written. And then, the biggest step of all – the manuscript I am currently revising will be going to agents hopefully by February.

It is time I do what I am supposed to do: write.


I’m just gonna photo-dump my images from April 4th – 6th here for you….:

My best friend, Brittaney, with Matt Smith from Doctor Who.

My best friend, Brittaney, with Matt Smith from Doctor Who.

Myself with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan from Doctor Who.

Myself with Matt Smith and Karen Gillan from Doctor Who.

Brittaney and Bruce Campbell.

Brittaney and Bruce Campbell.

Horrible picture of myself and Adam West. I was too excited to not derp-face it seems.

Horrible picture of myself and Adam West. I was too excited to not derp-face it seems.

Brittaney geeking out over Sean Astin.

Brittaney geeking out over Sean Astin.

Myself, Sean Patrick Flaney, and Brittaney.

Myself, Sean Patrick Flaney, and Brittaney.

Myself, David Della Rocco, and Brittaney. Moments later, he kissed us both :D

Myself, David Della Rocco, and Brittaney. Moments later, he kissed us both 😀

Breaking Bad - Jesse Pinkman's Monte Carlo

Breaking Bad – Jesse Pinkman’s Monte Carlo



Sean Patrick Flanery REMEMBERS ME FROM WHEN WE MET. He's such a huge inspiration to me, and a gal can't deny he's rather easy on the eyes. Seeing him is always wonderful. Also, he ruined my favorite Boondock Saints shirt for wearing, since he signed it lol.

Sean Patrick Flanery REMEMBERS ME FROM WHEN WE MET. He’s such a huge inspiration to me, and a gal can’t deny he’s rather easy on the eyes. Seeing him is always wonderful. Also, he ruined my favorite Boondock Saints shirt for wearing, since he signed it lol.

David Della Rocco... Can't deny how much I love this man, either. Him and Sean are two of my favorite people I've ever had the privilege of meeting.

David Della Rocco… Can’t deny how much I love this man, either. Him and Sean are two of my favorite people I’ve ever had the privilege of meeting.

Can't forget the AMAZINGNESS which is Sammy and her husband, artist Tommy Castillo - who donated SEVEN SIGNED PRINTS of his art to my Legends of the Knight charity screening for MDA. I collect his art, so this was a huge deal to me. It took everything inside of me not to cry on the spot.

Can’t forget the AMAZINGNESS which is Sammy and her husband, artist Tommy Castillo – who donated SEVEN SIGNED PRINTS of his art to my Legends of the Knight charity screening for MDA. I collect his art, so this was a huge deal to me. It took everything inside of me not to cry on the spot.


So there you guys have it, some highlights of my Geek-end the beginning of April. =]



PART ONE – Because I am sick, and tired, and there is a lot to say for some of these and I’d like to give them proper spacing. So, a brief part one.

A lot of people like to post on Facebook something they’re thankful for every day for the month of November, and while that it a lovely idea, it’s not exactly for me. I much prefer my personal tradition of a blog post, something that can be immortalized and referred back to in future months for anyone who wants to read it or needs to, even. Forgive me for any errors made or anyone forgotten, because I’ve been pretty sick the last week or so and I’m still fairly miserable.

  • Simple Things I am Thankful For:

Batman. Breaking Bad. Books. Harry Potter. Adventures. Writing. Art. Doctor Who. Summer nights on the road, windows down and music up. Chinese food. Movie days with my favorite people. Curling up on the couch. My blankets. People that understand. Dreams, inspiration, and motivation. The Boondock Saints. Good memories of people long dead. Being alive when I can think of multiple instances that I should’ve been dead. Hope. Productive insomnia.


  • Friends:

New friends, old friends. Living friends and dead friends. Former friends and friends I’ve yet to make. Every single one of you meant something to me, or still do. While I may not be around as much as I’d like to these days, thanks to sickness or work or school or whatever… It doesn’t change the fact that I love you all, and wish I could spend more of my time with you. In all honesty, at this point in my life, I should probably be with you all more than be at work. Someday soon, I hope, this will all change. Not all of you have pictures from hanging out recently, but I’d like to change that soon.



  • Gone but not Forgotten:

Some days are worse than others. Some nights you’re wide awake wondering why you’re alive. Sometimes you have to live the best life you can for more than just yourself. Eric and Whitney, I’m trying. I really am.

our dead
