Posts Tagged ‘gif’

I thought this was more out of reach, and honestly, there is still a lot of work to go because I need to do a read-through and have some Beta Readers take a look at it and make any necessary corrections… BUT —



It’s such a relief to know I just have polishing left. I’ve worked on this book for forever now it seems, so I’m ecstatic to finally have it at a place I’m much more satisfied with and can tweak instead of completely rewrite.

The light at the end of the tunnel is there. I’m not that far off from queries – which are scary and exhilarating at the same time.

But I’m there guys. I can see the finish line.



The Universe is rewarding me for giving Sunday to myself and my passions, I think. Because since Sunday, good things have been happening:

+ I made a significant improvement health wise from where I was post-procedure.
+ Kicking my NaNoWriMo project in the teeth and getting that sucker DONE.
+ Found a way of making serious headway in my medical bill mess, so I will not longer be The Walking Debt. Well, IF it works out. That’s still up in the air. So cross all things that are capable of safely being crossed.
+ The Jessica Lange cover of “Gods and Monsters” (On American Horror Story: Freak Show) is available on iTunes, and I bought it, and it pleases me greatly. I know that’s a random thing, but hey – gotta appreciate the little stuff.
+ I have a shoot Sunday if all goes as planned.
+ There is a light at the end of the tunnel for something that has been a nightmare for two years now.
+ I feel like I’m making some improvements in my art, and I’m hoping to take some steps forward with that soon.
+ I have adventures to look forward to next year. Plus little get together things with friends the rest of this year.


And what may be the best of it all, is that I am learning to redirect negative thoughts as soon as they enter my head. For example: If someone is making my life miserable, and I start to let it get to me, I remind myself that there are billions of other people in this world, and that it is absolutely ridiculous to let one person ruin my day. I take a deep breath and push the thoughts aside, and focus on one of the many good things I have going on. No one is going to take the good going on right now away from me.


In one sentence is the spark of a story. Ignite.

 My apologies for not posting quite as much, but it can be blamed on something very, very good: I have been a writing fiend. Despite work. Despite sickness and brain fog and appointments. Despite everything.

I am writing. A lot.

What was a goal of managing one chapter or one short story to Brittaney every Thursday, has now grown into being three or four chapters, on top of a short story. Or, like I currently am at:  seven chapters. SEVEN CHAPTERS IN LESS THAN A WEEK! That’s with work, sickness, nieces, appointments… And Kingdom Hearts and Doctor Who. All those distractions, and yet here I go, writing writing writing.

I give a lot of that credit to Brittaney for motivating me.





Have I ever mentioned how much I adore Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul? Because I do.

Annnnnway. Consider the inspirational spark ignited. I am getting through this revision like I should be, and don’t plan on stopping there. I hope to not only participate in NaNoWriMo again this year, but actually WIN and get that 50,000 words written. And then, the biggest step of all – the manuscript I am currently revising will be going to agents hopefully by February.

It is time I do what I am supposed to do: write.


“And it’s funny how I imagined
That I could win this, win this fight.
But maybe it isn’t all that funny,
That I’ve been fighting all my life.
But maybe I have to think it’s funny
If I wanna live before I die.
And maybe it’s funniest of all,
To think I’ll die before I actually see
That I am exactly the person that I want to be”

-Amanda Palmer, In My Mind


Consider my quieter posting habits a good thing for the moment, because I’ve been hard at work on projects – both manuscript revisions and managing Hail to the Geek, Baby. My plan to give chapters every week to my best friend so I’m being held responsible if I don’t take the time to write is actually working out well. I’m powering through those revisions and tweaking the story exactly the way I want it. I like the direction I’m taking it this time, which is good. Plus feeling like I have a deadline to get oh-so-much worked out makes me a little more focused on getting it written.

Hail to the Geek, Baby is doing alright. It’s still a baby needing to be nurtured so it can grow into it’s full potential. Some posts get 50+ views the first day, while some are lucky to get 10 in a week. It’s a work-in-progress, and I’m taking care of it the very best I can. Let’s hope it gets some more love and affection in the coming weeks. I’ve got a great staff that may be growing soon, and that’s always something wonderful to have.

But I can’t deny there are many bumps on my path to improve my life and commit to myself. There were a few points this weekend that my body was so violently rebelling against me that I really considered going to the emergency room. I’ve felt pretty awful as of late, and I’m trying to change that by taking better care of myself. Can’t expect miracles overnight, though.

At least I have a nice long trip (hopefully) to look forward to the end of September into October. What was supposed to be an unpleasantly short Orlando trip is turning into a pleasantly long one if all goes well. I could use the escape to my Happy Place to get my mind readjusted to a place it needs to be. I get closer to who I am when I’m away from it all.

 And honestly, even though I do have my moments where I’m miserable with my life, I also realize that it isn’t my life I am miserable with. I am unhappy with aspects that cause problems in my life. These are things that can be weeded out in order to live happily as the person I am. I am happy with my choice to be a writer: I am not happy with my limited time. I am happy taking artistic pictures: I am not happy with getting limited in what I can do creatively. I am happy making art: I am not happy with people telling me what to make and when to have it done. I am happy with my geeky nature, but I am not happy with people telling me I need to ‘Grow Up’, when there is nothing wrong with loving who I am and the things I love.

When I leave, I am the person that I want to be. I bring a little piece of that person back with me each time.

Anyway, more updates to come!


Accurate representation is accurate:



That’s a fairly good summary of not only how I feel today, but how I’ve been feeling about writing in general lately. Like everything is garbage I try to write. I can’t actually give focus to any projects. Everything starts out so promising..


Then it becomes a bit more:


I guess I’m just going to make myself free write until my brain can kick start itself into functioning properly again. Come on, Muse. What’s the hold up?


….Alrighty then.
