Posts Tagged ‘beta reader’

I use my veins to create the color I paint from
Delve into something ’til my
heart becomes my paint brush


I’ve mentioned this roughly four trillion times by now, I’m sure – My unspeakable desire to break free of this rut I’m in and be back to my normal life of dream chasing (though you can hardly call me ‘normal’… maybe just back to my old self.) Because I am not a desk job person. I am not an office monkey. To be honest, my work doesn’t make me happy anymore, it doesn’t pertain to my future, and it doesn’t help whatsoever with the Mysterious Sickness of Doom.

So I stare into this paper instead of sitting at a cubicle
Take all ugly shit inside and try to make it beautiful

So, I declare it time to get my ass into gear. For real. Not just hoping I can and against my will it doesn’t work out. No. Not this time. This time, I am giving myself a set amount of time for these revisions, set amount of time to get it to my Beta reader, set amount of time to review it once again. I’m giving myself oh-so-long to work on something different to clear my mind of this story so I can look at it with fresh eyes. But mark my words. I’m getting something accomplished this year. I’m getting my query letters to agents out before 2013 is over with. I’m done waiting. I’m done letting everything else take priority over what I really want out of this life. If the Day Job wants to stand in the way, then… I guess it’ll have to go for now.

Because it is time I get back to Angel Young – the writer. Not Angel Young, the office monkey.


Storytelling has always been for me a processskeletalromance of putting on skins; of living lives and dying deaths that belong to somebody else. And the more unlike me I look with these borrowed faces the more interested I am to see the world through their eyes.

So, I’ve been a bit busy sifting through the chaos, as you can tell. Trying to rebuild the blog into something worthy of my little Misfits (because you guys deserve the very best), making a miserable attempt at recovering from this biopsy, and all around making the honest attempt to rebuild my life. My best of friends, the Great and Powerful Brittaney, has been coming over once a week to help me out with some things I’m behind on. Once I can get stabilized, I can focus all attention on writing, artwork, and photography. But, as much as it will disappoint some people to read this, I’m getting to the point I know I need to focus on writing. THAT is my priority, at the end of the day. It’s a Writer’s Life For Me, not  a Photographer or Artist. Those are great. Those will always be a part of me, and always be something I do. Yet, when it comes down to it.. Writing is my main focus. And thus, I must do just that – focus.

This week, I have a lot to get accomplished. I have to get back on my goal of regularly editing and sending chapters to my Beta Reader so this round of revisions will be DONE and I can, ya know, move forward with this project. Fingers crossed, lovelies! I have all sorts of ideas buzzing in this skull of mine, some of which are demanding my attention.

Also, lots of organization is being done, which pretty much boils down to me having a lot of chaos in attempts to NOT have a lot of chaos (wait – what?), not to mention we’re getting a pool (my rheumatologist is thrilled), and I have lots of vacation planning and other lovely stresses. Well, vacation isn’t stressful. WAITING is stressful. Because I’m ready to pack my bags and leave. I’m an adventurer, really. I like to gogogogo. It’s my gypsy soul. But more on that another day.

OH! Annnnd if you lovely Misfits could do me a solid, once my Misadventures of a Misfit page hits 100 ‘likes’ on Facebook, I’ll start working on my contests and whatnot, as well as buttons and making this the OFFICIAL DOT COM of yours truly. Woo!

Anywho, my brain is all excited and ready to work on something productive while I’m feeling alright and before I head to bed.

Drop me some ideas in the comments of what sort of prizes and contests you guys would dig!
