Posts Tagged ‘nerd life’

Here we go – the summary of my collection hauls for October. This includes a trip to Six Flags, so there is quite a bit from there alone!

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My Riddler themed teddy bear from Six Flags.

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Six Flags Exclusive 3″ figures.

 bb6My first Gotham Pop! Vinyl figure: Oswald Cobblepot


Small Batman figure.



Harley Quinn comforter and pillowcases. NOTE: The comforter picture isn’t mine. I’ll try to replace the images with my own bed once I get around to it.


Batman: The World of the Dark Knight book.


Batman Returns Penguin figure


Small Harley Quinn plush, also from my Six Flags trip.


Scarecrow Pop! Vinyl from Batman: Arkham Knight


Harley Quinn Skelanimals plush, also picked up at Six Flags


Harley Quinn Bean Bag plush from Warner Bros

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My first three issues of Batman Automobilia: Batman 1989, Batman ’66, and Batman Begins.

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Batman and Batman Returns comic book adaptations.


Harley Quinn key chain from Six Flags.


Harley Quinn Skelanimals figure from Six Flags


Catwoman pillow from Six Flags


Harley Quinn Sofubi


Catwoman plush from Six Flags


Batkid Begins on DVD


Batman: the Animated Series die cast figure.


Riddler cane


Harley Quinn New Batman Adventures Doll

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Catwoman, Bane, Riddler, and Harley Quinn capes from Six Flags

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Batman: the Animated Series collector’s plates.

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Batman and the Joker figures from Six Flags


Arkham Knight Harley Quinn watch


Julie Newmar, Catwoman in the ’66 Batman series (well, one of them – my particular favorite), autographed photo.

“To Angel, you’re purrr…..fect”


Batman coin bank

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Double sided 1989 Batman and Joker pillowcase. A gift from my brother.

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These may be my strangest haul from the month – Batman Forever key chains, made in 1995 by Applause. One Two-Face, one Robin. What makes this especially weird is that I picked them up in my hotel gift shop when I was in Orlando. It was definitely one of the strangest hotel gift shops I’ve ever been in, but totally cool.

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This is technically a Christmas present, buuuuuut…. I’m impatient. Catwoman “Almost Got ‘Im” bust, black and white SDCC 2015 exclusive. Based on Batman the Animated Series.


This is probably my pride and joy – not just of the haul for the month, but in general. I’ve wanted this bust for SO LONG, but the price on it has skyrocketed along with Harley’s popularity. This bust is hard to get for less than like $700. But I successfully did it, and she is perfect. She’s 109 of 500 made.

Alright, that does it for month two. Hope you guys enjoy the haul pictures! Drop me a comment if you have any questions and I’ll help you to the best of my abilities!



Hello, my name is Angel, and I am extremely tired.


I keep falling behind on posting, and for that I am very sorry. I tell myself I need to write something, and then I get distracted or I’ve got a million things going on, and I get exhausted and tell myself that I’ll just do it ‘tomorrow’ – except when I get to that day finally, I put it off again. And again.

And again.

But here we are!

Obviously, being back at the day job has taken up quite a bit of my time. Add that to my trip to Chicago last weekend for my birthday (Yay, I’m now 25!), and I’ve been a very busy gal.

I had started working on a new project around the same time I started working again, but then quickly lost any and all free time that I had planned to use to write. In the process, I fell into more unhealthy habits – drinking soda again, sitting on my bum all day, eating less than healthy foods, etc – and have all around been failing at what progress I had been making in my life. As I had feared, everything else was pushed to the back burner while I worked my little fingers to the bone on things that, in the end, don’t matter to me nearly as much.

But my weekend away in Chicago made me realize something: just how badly I wanted those dreams of mine to be a reality. And I know I say that a lot. I know I kick myself into gear and then slack for whatever reason. But it doesn’t mean I don’t want to accomplish everything I’ve set out to do. This past weekend, I was surrounded by inspiration. I saw people on various levels of living out their dreams, and when I was on my flight back to reality, it sank in just how badly I wanted that for myself. No one should dread coming back to their life. But I always do. And I want that to change.

With that said, it’s time I get back to work on what matters. I’m going to get up earlier and go to bed later. I’m going to research and work and save and do everything possible to make everything possible. I’m going to work on Hail to the Geek, Baby and And I’m NOT GOING TO PUT OFF POSTING! Once a week at least, that’s my goal. Hold me to it!

Figured I’d pop in and let you all know that I’m definitely alive, and tired, and trying harder than ever.

Let’s make things happen.




Everyone that knows me, knows that I am a Batman obsessed weirdo with a collection that is constantly growing. I’ve loved Batman since I was a little kid, and my passion has grown exponentially from there. Comics, movies, collectables, miscellaneous memorabilia… I love it all. When I was two months shy of turning two years old, Batman Returns was about to hit theaters, and I was ecstatic. My mom took my brother and I to the theater early to see it, and I could barely contain my excitement. Unfortunately, two year olds plus way too much energy beforehand PLUS sitting in a dark theater equaled me passing out in the middle, which broke my little heart. I did get to see it, and my mom bought it for me when it came out (a big deal, since we didn’t have much money at that time.) And, as shown above, Catwoman made quite an impression on me. She was my favorite for the longest time, and I had a few cool Catwoman and Batman toys. I still remember how that costume and mask felt.

Granted, if I would have been wiser when I was younger, I’d have a fortune in amazing older Batman stuff. But since I hadn’t thought of it as stuff I’d be collecting as I got older, I didn’t keep it all, or some was damaged beyond any point of keeping it. A few things made it with me to adulthood, at least. But I shake my head at the things I’ve lost.


Fast forward to now. I’m constantly expanding my knowledge of the DC Universe, but more specifically Batman oriented things. I collect a variety of memorabilia, from statues and collector items, to action figures, to miscellaneous random finds. If it’s Batman, it is probably on my list of things to get. (Seriously. My Amazon Wishlist is INSANE.) Friends and coworkers are always on the lookout for items I may have missed, or just random Batman oriented gifts. You should see the neat stuff I get from Six Flags St Louis.

At the moment, I’m trying to document my collection in an album on my personal Facebook page. I started doing this just with new items I received of various nerdy things, but then separated those into two categories, giving Batman his own album. Then, I decided I’d start taking individual photos (or mostly individual photos) of the rest of my collection, with the thought in mind that this would be beneficial for myself in tracking what I have, as well as for friends and family gift shopping for me.

Until, that is, I learned there was a Guinness Book of World Records holder for largest Batman collection. Kevin Silva of Indianapolis holds the record at 2,554 pieces. His collection is AMAZING. I would be that fan that falls to her knees in tears if I saw it in person. He’s inspired me to make my collection so impressive. And, hopefully, it can even surpass his someday.

So, I’m going to begin taking inventory of exactly what I have, with photos and spreadsheets and documentation to really prove what I have. And some day, I will have a worthy collection as awesome as Kevin Silva does. He seems like one awesome guy!

Anyway, I may eventually post some of the collection on here, maybe a page up there near my Bio or something. Or, I could just link you to my on Facebook profile. Who knows?

